With the development of the times and technology, the business of space tourism will grow stronger and stronger. Space tourism is a brand-new space-related business, initially created by the Russian Space Agency. When there are so many key problems to be solved on earth, people are ready to spend a lot of money to explore outer space. But this idea has been controversial in the world. We should explore our own world and find a sustainable way of life. Aisha thought of a new idea: to create an ion engine. Using the vacuum energy field to generate driving force, travel in space requires almost no fuel. This innovative propulsion device is based on an interesting combination of quantum physics, space technology, chemical reactions, and electricity. She transformed the original analysis described in the book that explored the flow of energy in a vacuum into a framework of reality. Human behavior and response are either because we are facing a deep crisis or because we are inspired by a vision. Maybe we need both: crisis and vision. Although Aisha's idea cannot be realized immediately, this mentality and determination are a big step forward.
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