

Case 98: Main Focus on this case | 重要焦点

(1)The Himalayas, located at the edge of the southern summit of the Tibetan Plateau, are the highest mountain range in the world. It towers over the southern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and spreads across Tibet, China, and the territories of Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan, with its main part at the junction of China and Nepal. (2)After thousands of years of dissemination and cultivation, buckwheat in the world in addition to Antarctica does not have buckwheat cultivation, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Oceania have buckwheat cultivation. Most of the wild buckwheat is distributed in the southwest of China and Tibet. Buckwheat is not only comprehensive nutrition but also rich in bioflavonoids and other highly active medicinal ingredients, with hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, cholesterol-lowering, antioxidant, anti-aging, and free radical scavenging functions (3)Buckwheat beer is added to the process of brewing beer buckwheat powder, the taste is slightly bitter, but the efficacy is great. Drinking in moderation has the prevention of gallstones, lowers cholesterol to protect microvascular, removes body waste, and reduces weight; beauty reduces fine lines; l purify the blood, improves blood circulation, lower blood pressure; anti-tumor, antioxidant, and other effects.

(1) 喜马拉雅山位于青藏高原南部山顶边缘,是世界上最高的山脉。它耸立在青藏高原南缘,横跨西藏、中国以及巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔和不丹等国领土,其主要部分位于中国和尼泊尔交界处。

(2) 经过几千年的传播和栽培,荞麦在世界范围内除南极洲没有荞麦栽培外,亚洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、欧洲、大洋洲都有荞麦的栽培。野生荞麦大部分分布在中国的西南地区和西藏。荞麦不仅营养全面,而且富含生物类黄酮等高活性药用成分,具有降血糖、降血脂、降胆固醇、抗氧化、抗衰老和清除自由基的功能。

(3) 荞麦啤酒是在酿造啤酒的过程中加入荞麦粉,味道略苦,但功效很大。适量饮用具有预防胆结石、降低胆固醇、保护微血管、清除体内垃圾、减轻体重;美容、减少细纹;净化血液、改善血液循环、降低血压;抗肿瘤、抗氧化等作用。

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