

Case 96: Main Focus on this case | 重要焦点

This article explores innovations in pest control that contribute to "The Blue Economy," highlighting the work of Dr. José Oscar Gutiérrez Montes and his company, Capsacorp SA. The global pesticide market has grown significantly, reaching $45 billion in 2010, with major companies like Bayer and Syngenta dominating the industry. However, the indiscriminate use of chemicals has led to severe environmental and health issues. Dr. Gutiérrez has harnessed capsaicin, the active component in hot chili peppers, as a natural pesticide and pain reliever, tapping into its potential for pest control and medicinal applications. By integrating chili farming with the sugarcane industry in Colombia, he aims to convert wastewater into a beneficial resource, creating jobs and reducing dependence on imported chemicals. This innovative approach not only enhances agricultural sustainability but also promotes local economic development, illustrating the principles of The Blue Economy.

本文探讨了推动“蓝色经济”的害虫控制创新,重点介绍了José Oscar Gutiérrez Montes博士及其公司Capsacorp SA。全球农药市场在2010年显著增长,达到了450亿美元,拜耳和先正达等主要公司在行业中占据主导地位。然而,化学物质的滥用导致了严重的环境和健康问题。Gutiérrez博士利用辣椒中的活性成分辣椒素,作为一种天然农药和止痛剂,挖掘其在害虫控制和药用方面的潜力。通过将辣椒种植与哥伦比亚的甘蔗产业结合,他旨在将废水转化为有益资源,创造就业机会,减少对进口化学品的依赖。这种创新方法不仅增强了农业的可持续性,还促进了地方经济的发展,体现了蓝色经济的原则。

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