

Case 84: Main Focus on this case | 重要焦点

The article "The Magic of Beer" introduces a novel business model in the beer brewing industry, emphasising the potential of integrating sustainable practices within the brewing process. The global beer market, valued at nearly $110 billion, is dominated by a few large players, but there is a growing presence of microbreweries that focus on quality and artisanal production. Jim Lueders, a brewmaster, has innovated by creating a small brewery model that combines beer production with a restaurant, enhancing food sales and profitability. He emphasises the importance of waste management, utilizing spent grains for bread and mushroom production, while also recycling water and organic waste for fish farming and algae cultivation. This approach not only increases revenue but also supports local economic development and food security, especially in high-growth regions like China and Africa. Jim’s model aims to transform traditional brewing into a catalyst for sustainable entrepreneurship, demonstrating that beer production can be both profitable and environmentally friendly.

文章《啤酒的魔力》介绍了啤酒酿造行业的一种新商业模式,强调在酿造过程中整合可持续实践的潜力。全球啤酒市场的价值接近1100亿美元,主要由少数大型企业主导,但微酿酒厂逐渐崛起,专注于质量和手工生产。酿酒师Jim Lueders创新地创建了一个小型酿酒厂模式,结合了啤酒生产和餐厅,提升了食品销售和盈利能力。他强调废物管理的重要性,将剩余的麦芽用于制作面包和蘑菇,同时回收水和有机废物用于养鱼和藻类培养。这种方法不仅增加了收入,还支持了当地经济发展和食品安全,尤其是在中国和非洲等高增长地区。Jim的模式旨在将传统酿酒转变为可持续创业的催化剂,证明啤酒生产既可以盈利又环保。

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