What is the current state of glass recycling in the world? What is the process of glass recycling? What are the uses of recycled glass? What are the advantages of recycled glass as a building material? How do a series of innovations and applications of recycled glass reflect the blue economy? The world uses an estimated 3,200 billion containers of all types to package food and drinks each year - and growing. Nearly everything ends up as waste. Glass is a minor component. The flat glass market is valued at over $50 billion per year. Glass is a $100 billion market. The crushing of used glass into powder, heated up while injecting CO2 creates a foam, lightweight but abrasive, strong and cheap. Since landfills are keen to reduce their load, the recovery of glass on site and the local conversion into glass foam gives way to a new business model: “entrepreneurs get paid to receive raw materials”. The innovation is not limited to cascading of materials whereby the waste of one is an input for the other, the innovation extends to the business model whereby the key ingredients come with cash. In addition, if the factory is located close to (or even on) a landfill, the production facility could benefit from methane gas generated by decomposing organic waste, turning this greenhouse gas into a cheap energy source, and cutting costs while further reducing its adverse impact on climate change.
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