The material is organized around three main topics: the market size of propellant in the world today, the cash flow generated by propellant, the innovation and development of propulsion technologies and the opportunities and challenges for the next generation. he global Aerosol Propellants market is estimated to grow in the next 5 years. For technologies, it is time to turn to renewable and environmentally-friendly energies. For example, wind power. It even might sound like a return to the old days, when large clipper ships, solely moved by the power of the wind (and by tens of seamen) were employed for global trade. But, in fact, things are very different nowadays. Blue Wasp is an engineering consultancy specializing in wind-assisted ship propulsion that offers independent technical advice to support the decision making of stakeholders across the shipping industry. International cooperation is in the field of propulsion has also been noted in the material. I hope you can get an idea of the three topics from this material.
这份材料围绕着三个主要主题进行组织:当今世界上推进剂市场的规模,推进剂所产生的现金流,以及推进技术的创新与发展以及下一代所面临的机遇和挑战。全球喷雾剂推进剂市场估计在未来5年内将会增长。对于技术而言,现在是转向可再生和环境友好型能源的时候了。例如,风力发电。这甚至可能听起来像是回到了过去,当大型帆船完全依靠风力(和海员们的力量)进行全球贸易时的旧日时光。但事实上,如今的情况大不相同。蓝蜂鸟(Blue Wasp)是一家专门提供风助推进船舶工程咨询的公司,为航运行业的利益相关者提供独立的技术建议,支持决策过程。材料中还提到了推进领域的国际合作。希望您能从这份材料中获得对这三个主题的了解。
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